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Star Wars: Reinterpreted

Since its theatrical release in 1977, Star Wars has captivated audiences worldwide. The trilogy is as popular today with dedicated fans as it ever was, and the Internet has become a forum for people to showcase their own takes on the classic films. Here are some of our favorite videos inspired by Star Wars.

Star Wars - An A Cappella Tribute To John Williams view now
Jon Cassar

Guest eGuider: Jon Cassar
Executive Producer & Director, 24

Star Wars - An A Cappella Tribute To John Williams

Docs & Non-Fiction (Vlog / Webcam), Music (Lip-Dub, Music Videos), Viral (Pick-me-ups)
[4:10, from YouTube]

The power of the net. How one person, an idea, and a camera can entertain the world. Even though Corey is lip synching a MOOSEBUTTER original song it's still an amazing piece of solo work.
