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Forgotten Commercials: Lost In Time, Found Online

We rarely appreciate modern-day commercials when we see them on TV; a commercial's true cultural impact can only be measured when we rediscover it years later. The Internet is a time machine, and these dated treasures have the power to transport us to our younger days when TV was all we had.

Flinstones Winston Commercial view now
Melissa Roth

Journalist / Web Producer: Melissa Roth
Journalist, Author, Web Producer

Flinstones Winston Commercial

Animation (Cartoon / Traditional), Other Gems (Advertisements, TV Clip), Viral (Time Capsule)
[1:20, from YouTube]

It wasn't low ratings that brought the Flinstones to extinction, it was... emphysema? We coulda guessed Wilma was a shill for Big Tobacco (that strumpet), but how did Betty’s agent get her to do this?
