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Friday Night Lights: Spotlight On Austin

Party with the Collettes

Series Docs & Non-Fiction (Profiles, Travel), Other Gems (TV Show Extensions)
[ 3:26 - from NBC ]

Here's a great idea for a show extension. If your show is about Texas football and you shoot it on location in Austin, why not celebrate the city that hosts you? These videos are part travel guide, part celebrity watch, and a fun way to spend time with the stars of "Friday Night Lights." You can go workout at a boxing gym with Smash or do a girls night out at a Mexican joint.

Julian Camilo Pozzi

eGuider: Julian Camilo Pozzi
Playwright/Video Producer, House of Broken Windows

Julian Camilo Pozzi is producing traditional and new media projects that strive to combine compelling entertainment with pressing social concerns. He is interested in supporting and collaborating with like-minded professionals.

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