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Forgotten Commercials: Lost In Time, Found Online

We rarely appreciate modern-day commercials when we see them on TV; a commercial's true cultural impact can only be measured when we rediscover it years later. The Internet is a time machine, and these dated treasures have the power to transport us to our younger days when TV was all we had.

Mayor McCheese is the Law view now
Graham Mason

Core eGuider: Graham Mason
Writer, Videomaker, Member of Sunset Television

Mayor McCheese is the Law

Comedy (Unintentionally Funny), Other Gems (TV Clip), Viral (Time Capsule)
[1:00, from YouTube]

Here's a weird one.  At some point in McDonald's marketing history they decided to get in on all the 70's psychedelic counter-culture stuff.  So they made this commercial, which essentially compares a trip to McDonald's to taking LSD.  And if you think about it, that makes some sense.
