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Nick The PA

Meet Nick

Series Comedy (Broad), Other Gems (TV Show Extensions)
[ 2:09 - from NBC ]

Ok, no deep entertainment here. Let's be honest, "Deal or No Deal" is about more than the money. It's about the eye candy holding the silver briefcases. Ever wonder whose job it is to cater to that feminine phalanx of silicone-sporting, stardust dreaming showgirls? I never did, either. Anyways, it's Nick, the PA. And he hosts a web show that takes you behind the scenes and fulfills all your shallow expectations.

Julian Camilo Pozzi

eGuider: Julian Camilo Pozzi
Playwright/Video Producer, House of Broken Windows

Julian Camilo Pozzi is producing traditional and new media projects that strive to combine compelling entertainment with pressing social concerns. He is interested in supporting and collaborating with like-minded professionals.

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