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Settling for Mr. Good Enough

Docs & Non-Fiction (Cultural, News)
[ 6:52 - from The Atlantic ]

Are women today too entitled – raised to be “princesses” who hold out in vain for an elusive prince? Or has everyone been programmed to aim for “the best,” with anything less than a 10 considered “settling”? The Atlantic magazine sits down for a video chat with their writer, Lori Gottlieb, whose new book “Marry Him: The Case for Settling” has set off a heated debate – and examinations of the modern mating behaviors of both genders.

Melissa Roth

eGuider: Melissa Roth
Journalist, Author, Web Producer

Melissa Roth has written story extensions and webisodes for HBO shows including Entourage, Big Love, Sex & the City and John from Cincinnati. The author of two books (On the Loose and The Left Stuff), has written for The Washington Post, Rolling Stone and Self magazine. She is currently producing two web series, Miss Beasley's Pick-Up School for Girls and Byron's Barcalounger.

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