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The Willi Waller

Series Animation (Experimental), Comedy (Broad), Viral (Viral ads)
[ 3:30 - from TAC TV ]

"You like to eat potatoes?!" When the famous "Willi Waller" video first appeared in French for the Quebec web market in 2006 it was a runaway hit (1 million+ hits a day!). The three creators, who made the first videos in a basement, made a mint and were featured on nearly every media outlet across Canada. Now, the gang hops the U.S. border and tries to recreate the zany Têtes à claques ('heads to slap') magic with a new series of giddy shorts in English. The English videos work as well, maybe even better. Grab a potato and prepare to get busy after seeing this ingenious short.

Ezra Soiferman

eGuider: Ezra Soiferman
Award-winning Canuck documentary filmmaker, street photographer and blogger.

Ezra Soiferman is an acclaimed documentary filmmaker in snowy Montreal, Canada. He is also the director and co-founder of the Montreal Film Group, Montreal's largest film and TV industry networking group. Ezra's popular and eccentric blog keeps him (and you) busy on rainy days.

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