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Viral Music: The Good, Bad, and Bizarre

One of the great things about the Internet is that it provides us with a forum to share not only high quality content, but content that is so bad it's amazing. Very often, it's the terrible videos that we just can't get enough of. Here we have the Internet's most renowned artists - but remember, that doesn't necessarily mean talented...

Kenny G - Against Doctor's Orders view now
John Wellington Ennis

Political Comedy Activist: John Wellington Ennis
Filmmaker, FREE FOR ALL!

Kenny G - Against Doctor's Orders

Comedy (Unintentionally Funny), Music (Music Videos), Viral (Time Capsule)
[5:09, from Metacafe]

Holy crap. I cannot believe this video exists. Not only does this Kenny G video from the 80's show him healing a hospital ward via muzack and big hair, but it stars Dudley Moore as a drunk doctor beating his "Arthur" schtick into a pulp. And is that Nicollette Sheridan? And Scott Baio? This really happened. 
